Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tip of the Day; Part II

If you're in the car with your boss, and he backs into a parked car, stay absolutely silent.

Avoid giggling (even a tiny little one).

You should also avoid saying things like, "You know, you should get help for that spacial awareness deficiency of yours." or,

"Hmmmm, ya know, your proximity alarm was going off, it's a shame you didn't listen to it." or,

"Hey, let me know when you're leaving tonight so I can be sure to go out and move my car first."

Yeah... it's definitely best if you just stay absolutely silent.


Billy and Laurel said...

I think that applies to husbands too! So, did you? (Stay quiet.)

Billy and Laurel said...

That's me by the way...I'm logged into our blog account, sorry!


Sarah B. said...

I would have had a giggle attack...I don't know why but I think those things are funny as long as Brandon or myself don't do it. Although I did crack up when I parked too close to a pole at Bella Terra...ok, I totally hit the pole but it was sort of funny. Bad depth perception.

Brazenlilly said...

SHUT UP! Did that really happen to you?! So, what was your actual response?! You have all the fun.

The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...

Where do you get your great pictures you post? I'm intrigued!!!

World of Wright said...

I was laughing out loud at my desk!
Keeping my mouth shut is not one of my strengths.

Kristi said...

so did it really happen? i wonder what gina would have done? She laughs when people fall.

Heidi said...

Yeah, it really happened.

I kept quiet - which was no small accomplishment, I can assure you.

All those things went racing through my mind. I just had to wait to say them till the time was right.


I'm still working on my timing a little bit.

Don said...

I assume your boss never looks at your blog. :)