Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa's not feelin' the love...

Our kids have issues with Santa (Hope finally let go of her fear in 2005).

Have a look...

Jack, 2008

Jack, 2007

Hope, 2004

Hope, 2003

Hope, 2002


Anonymous said...

What a riot! Those pics are hilarious! Those will be priceless in 20 years! Brandi

VikingMom said...

Poor traumatized Santa. Just wait until they try to get their kids to sit on Santa's lap. That will be funny!

Kristi said...

where are these years pics? did it work out better?

johnsonandjohnson said...

I feel bad for Santa....I wonder if they wear earplugs because Emily wails!

Brazenlilly said...

Awesome! Oh, man, I hope that guy gets paid a lot, because I'm sure your kids aren't the only ones. But I mean seriously, how confusing must it be when we tell our kids to walk up and sit ON THE LAP of a big strange man, when in any other situation, we'd be calling the cops if that happened?!

World of Wright said...

The 2007 Santa with Jack kinda freaks me out a bit!3
Little heavy on the makeup Santa...

SingingShrink said...

You know, as nice as the idea of santa is, I totally get how mom thrusting me into the arms of some strange, old, bearded wonder of a man who is likely going to offer me candy (cane) might make me a little scared as a five year old. Especially since we are always told to avoid this very thing. On a slightly different note, I'm totally diggin' on the eyebrows on a couple of those santas!