Sunday, May 17, 2009

Random Motherhood Confession #1

Whenever I play Hide-and-Seek with the kids, I wait as long as I possibly can to go find them.

It's the only way I can enjoy a few extra moments of total silence.

My record is 4 minutes.

I have learned (the hard way) to tell the kids that some hiding spots (like the one pictured) are off-limits.


Bits from Bonnie said...

You know, grabbing rest when your kids are small is like getting walked in baseball. Who cares how you got there, you take it however you can get it!!!

Brazenlilly said...

OMG, I'm going to love this new series, and I may have to chime in on my own page. However, I hope your confessions will pick up a little, because that's not very embarassing or shameful. You need to up the ante. ;)

Rick said...

Was it Steven Wright or Rodney Dangerfield who said, "Whenever I played hide and seek with my parents, they never came looking for me"?

World of Wright said...

Teach me your ways oh wise one

The Craftypigs said...

I look forward to this list....

The Unlikely Pastor's Wife said...

heehee...i love this idea!