Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Think it's Perfectly Normal; Part XXIII

I know every single word of this movie.

I incorporate phrases into my every day conversations with people whenever possible.

One of my favorite quotes is, "You're very smart. Shut up."

But it's all good.

The movie boasts one moment of brilliance after another.


Connie said...

... inconceivable!!!...

Brazenlilly said...

Two of my favorites: "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means." and "He's had a rough time. He's been mostly dead all day."

Rick said...

if you ever wanted to act out the entire movie, my children could help

Heather said...

I love this movie as well. It IS perfectly normal to know movies quote for quote. =oD

hbmommy said...

as you wish

The Craftypigs said...

One of Mark Knopfler's very best works. The entire thing is an American Classic! Wuv, Twoo Wuv