Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Valentine's Greeting Gone Terribly, Terribly Wrong...


The Craftypigs said...

That's awesome. LOL.

Diane Davis said...

that IS awesome. i read HUG ME and had to do a triple take. so funny.

Rick said...

Thanks for starting my day with a giggle.

Anonymous said...

LOL, That took me a minute! Brandi

World of Wright said...

Awesome! If I got that I would assume it was a statement of fact vs. a mistake.

SingingShrink said...

This reminds me of the "Enzyte" commercials:

"Guaranteed to make a man larger"

A little Freudian slip by the baker?

AMankin said...

I had to click on it and see the bigger version before I "saw" it! hilarious!!