Monday, March 2, 2009

I Think it's Perfectly Normal; Part XX

Ever time I walk through a toy department I walk up and down every aisle pushing the buttons on every single toy that makes noise.


Kristi said...

i do it too...can't resist it.

VikingMom said...

I used to do that. Until this last Christmas when I walked down an aisle of dolls and they started making wierd whining and screeching sounds. Tamila and I were both freaked out by the sound.

So, now I leave the toys alone these days. They're evil!

Anonymous said...

That's funny! Seems normal to me... Brandi

Sarah B. said...

Augh...can't stand that. I keep far far away from those toys and try to cut my kids off before they see them. No, no, no...don't like it.

World of Wright said...

You all are evil!

The Craftypigs said...

So does Colin.... but he's 4.... yeah, normal.