Tuesday, March 17, 2009

51 Seconds of Brilliance


Rick said...

Gotta admit I'm confused by this one

Rick said...

OK when I wrote that I was just getting a blank screen.

World of Wright said...

Ah the beauty of child birth.

johnsonandjohnson said...

I love that he picks up the pan and starts batting....nice.

John B said...

High-larious!!! Thanks for sharing!

SingingShrink said...

the tray is the best part. I can't breathe...

StephanieJ said...

OK - our small group from church was over last night and I was going to show them your posting of the ShamWow thing - but, we saw this one first. We were HOWLING, like tears flying out of ours eyes HOWLING....that is the funniest thing I have ever seen.