Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Prediction for the Bottom Three

Of the three, I think Ramiele will get the boot.

After tonight's performances, I think the final two will come down to these guys - I don't know yet which one I think will win. But I believe it will definitely be one of them.

Jason Castro is still my favorite - and if he ever makes an album, I'll totally buy it; but I don't think he's as strong as Michael Johns or David Cook.


Kristi said...

Heidi...i'm sorry...but there is no way Laura Ingalls is better than David Cook.

Heidi said...

Sorry - I made a type-o and have since corrected it. I meant to say that Michael Johns and David Cook will be the FINAL two, not the bottom two.

I agree with you that Jason isn't as good - but I still like him better. Laura Ingalls look-a-like or not...

Kristi said...

okay...then, we are still friends. :o)

Don said...

HAHA . . . Oh the merry comment banter.

Well, I think you may be right on the bottom 3, but not because it's deserved. That Christy (sp) girl should be on the bottom, but I understand the Vote For The Worst folks are working hard to keep her in the pack.

I REALLY like Carly, and I like Chikezie (especially after "meeting" his folks last night). So I hope it's Ramiele who gets the boot tonight. She's good in her own right, but of the 3, she should be the one to say "aloha" tonight. Christy SHOULD go home, but I doubt it'll happen.