Monday, February 23, 2009

The fact of the matter is...

Taking out the garbage is man's work.

Can I get an Amen?!


VikingMom said...

Austin's been in training for the last two years and was doing really well until highschool hit. Now he's a trash slacker. Not only does he avoid it all costs, but when he actually takes the trash out he "forgets" to put another bag in. Yep. He's going to disappoint his future wife someday!

Sarah B. said...

Amen to that! (trash and toilet cleaning)

johnsonandjohnson said...

and emptying the dishwasher (I just hate it....)

hbmommy said...

AMEN! And can we also add picking up dog poop?

Rick said...

When does the list end? How far are we from, "Having babies is men's work?"

Heidi said...


Oh please.

If men were the ones having the babies, our race would be extinct almost immediately because no man would last through the first 5 minutes of being pregnant.

Said with respect, of course.

World of Wright said...

Can I get a A-Men!

Heidi said...

Mandy! You're awesome. I liked your comment so much that I added it to my post.

Michelle said...

I have always known it to be so.....taking out the trash and washing the cars. And yes, there is woman's work also. Otherwise they wouldn't eat anything other than mac and cheese, scrambled eggs or fast food.

discomommy said...

I will gladly do the garbage if he does the poop. But usually I do both. Maybe he needs a reward system for the poop. For every piece he picks up, I remove a piece of clothing. Might work!

Anonymous said...

Is this new thing? I thought I taught him that it was HIS job! Lucille

Rick said...

OK, so I overreacted. It's just that the last time I told Jan a task was "woman's work" I discovered that sleeping on the couch was men's work.

Heidi said...

Rick, Rick, Rick...

Jan was just trying to get you to wake up to reality.

What reality you ask?

The realtiy that keeping one's mouth shut is man's work.

Unless she asks if her outfit makes her looks fat. In which case, saying "Of course not honey - you look beautiful!" is man's work.

Naturally, there are more of these rules.

Perhaps I should start sharing them in a series form (something akin to my Perfectly Normal series)
on my blog.


Rick said...

I'm salivating in anticipation