Saturday, January 5, 2008

A New Year...

A new year - a chance at a new beginning; a new start. But will this year be any different? I started my New Year without making any resolutions. I didn't even think about it, which is kind of strange. I usually make the normal ones: lose weight, excercise, save money, etc. But before I knew it, the date was January 4th and I hadn't made any. So, I guess now it's time to make some; and yet, I feel compelled to rebel against this seemingly pointless tradition. Statistics state that the average length that one will honor a New Year's resolution is 17 days. Statistics also state that it takes approximately 21 days to break a habit. And, since my New Year's resolutions consistently involve the breaking of a bad habit - and I am decidedly average - what's the point?

Maybe my first resolution should be to stop researching everything and pursue a lifestyle that adapts a spirit of optimism rather than realism...

If I had to choose a resolution right now it would be to stop and appreciate the life I've been given. I have a fantastic husband and two beautiful, healthy kids. I live in a nice little house, in a nice little neighborhood. I've got a great job and great friends. My husband and I are both healthy. All of these wonderful things... I seldom take time to thank God for them. I seldom take time to enjoy them. Why do I seldom take the time? Because I don't have time.

"I don't have time."

This phrase is fallacy in the purest sense. It's completely illogical. How can one say "I don't have time?" Of course I have time. I have loads of time - 24 new hours are given to me each and every day. And I use up all 24 of them each and ever day. So, the phrase isn't "I don't have time." The phrase is "I'm not going to spend my time doing_____." I don't spend any time thanking God for the blessings in my life or enjoying all the blessings in my life because I spend it all doing other things.

My boss has often talked about striking the phrase "I don't have time" from the vocabulary of every employee. His reasoning is that the typical excuse for not getting the job done is "I don't have time" when in reality there is plenty of time; but it's taken up with other things. Things that may or may not have anything to do with the job.

What would happen if I imposed this rule on myself? It's not very hard to tell my six year old daughter that I can't play with her because I don't have time. But telling her "I'm not going to spend my time playing with you" is a little harder. Granted, there are things that HAVE to be done. But do they have to be done right now? Will the world really come to a screeching halt if the dishes wait 20 more minutes while I play with my daughter?