Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Think it's Perfectly Normal; Part XXV

I will walk up to 15 extra blocks to avoid having to parallel park.


shana said...

me too!
our church has no parking lot, only street parking so i always end up walking a ways!
it's been so long i'm not even sure i'm capable of it anymore!

Anonymous said...

LOL, I'll circle a block 15 times until a spot close by the door opens up.... Brandi

World of Wright said...

When I'm riding with my mom and she is forced to parallel park she will usually pull over and have me do it for her.
Pretty pathetic...

SingingShrink said...

I will take several minutes trying to parallel park in order to avoid walking 15 extra blocks. A whole new kind of lazy.

The Diary of Alyson Boocock said...

I totally do this too!! Most people laugh at me when I tell them.