Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can't blog....... reading Twilight series

I heart Edward Cullen.

Don't judge me.


Billy and Laurel said...

Soooo not judging you. Judging you would be judging myself. That would lead to lots of therapy bills and emotional anguish. So, nope. Not judging you and your incredibly wise choice at all! :)

Diane Davis said...

we all heart'ed edward when we got sucked into his vortex...

see you on the other side.

Brazenlilly said...

Ha! Eventually we all have caved to the vamps. Are you dreaming it yet? you will. Which book are you on?

Heidi said...

I'm on Eclipse. I'm not dreaming of it yet, but it is on my mind a lot!

Sarah B. said...

You have your priorities in order...Go Team

Cindy said...

Resistance was futile . . . you want to go to the midnight opening of "New Moon" with Shae and I?