Tuesday, August 4, 2009


For those of you who may not know what UGSFAW is - it stands for Ultimate, Gnarly, Super Fantastic, Awesome Week. It's our church's take on VBS.

It's an amazing week.

It's a gift to get to be a part of it.

I feel privileged to be a part of our church.

I'm so proud of my husband.

Here's just a few pictures from the week...

Kurt dropping in while tennis balls are being thrown at him.

The crowd worshipping.

Jeff Dennis leading the Worship Band in a way that only he can.

Our super cool Mascots.

My awesome husband.

The Green and Orange Teams listening to the lesson (this picture only shows half the kids that attended UGSFAW).

It truly was the most Ultimate, Gnarly, Super, Fantastic, Awesome Week of the summer.


Anonymous said...

That looks amazing Heidi! I wish my kids could attend. Brandi

Brazenlilly said...

I want to live there! How awesome and fun. How great to be proud of your hubby! How amazing to have such a ministry to your community. Way to go peeps!

World of Wright said...

My kids had such a blast!
All you guys who took time out of your schedules to make an Ultimate Gnarly Super Fantastic Awesome Week for kids in HB are a true blessing!

SingingShrink said...

It's always a blast during UGSFAW weekend at FCC!!! Go Orange!